Some say the paced Minang cuisine full of heavy and cholesterol. This is an ancient recipe from the Minangkabau, shores of Lake Singkarak. It feels like a curry coconut milk, but no Coconut milk elements that can trigger cholesterol.
Here's how to make it.
- One stem talas (taro), cut and squeezed with salt, then wash with water.
- One ounce of Teri.
- Handful gelugur acid or star fruit vegetable, halved.
- 1 red tomato, rough cut.
- One tablespoon milled red chilli.
- Leaf of ruku-ruku.
- Leaf of salam.
- Red onion, garlic and chopped scallions.
- Jangek crackers (skin crackers).
- Air tajin (rice water taken when boiling)
Combine all ingredients, except jangek crackers, add air tajin for sauce and cook until boiling, add salt. Finally before turning off the stove fire, add jangek crackers.
Samba Teri Kuah Aie Nasi ready to be eaten. Gravy was thick because it uses air tajin. It feels mild and fresh.